When I was pregnant with your biggest sister Anne, I was what we call 'over due'. The calendar said it was time for her to be born but she was quite comfortable where she was.
I was miserable.
She was my first baby through birth and I was so anxious to meet her and so sick of being pregnant. I spent more time than I want to admit in bed crying over her tardiness.
Tulip, you are my first baby through adoption and I am over due with you. My belly is swollen and heavy, my arms ache for the weight of your body, and my body is tired of carrying you in my heart for nine months. I am so anxious to meet you and I am SO SICK of adoption paperwork. I would love nothing more than to spend my days (or at least one!) having good cries over this wait.
I miss you. I am starting to picture you in our every day life.
At Isaac's baseball games
Jumping on the trampoline after dinner
Sitting in your car seat and singing along to the music as we drive around this funny little island.
I hear you are blowing kisses now! Can you blow one towards Bermuda sweet girl?
I hear you are becoming quite a chatterbox. Are you telling all of your friends about your Mommy and Daddy?
I hear you have learned to run! Did you know we are running to you as fast as we can?
I love you so much.
I can't wait to meet you.

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